January 7, 2007

Best Music 2006 - Wendy West

Think I'll do a list of songs again!

so here were my favorite songs of 2006:

1. Life on Mars -- David Bowie
2. Independence Day -- Elliott Smith
3. The Funeral -- Band of Horses
4. Hot Child in the City -- Nick Gilder
5. F**k, Was I -- Jenny Owen Youngs
6. Kissing Families -- SSPU
7. Jealous Guy -- John Lennon
8. Day After Tomorrow -- Tom Waits
9. SOS -- Rhianna
10. You're A Wolf -- Sea Wolf
and my 2 favorite covers:
11. Breakdown -- Grace Jones
12. Straight Outta Compton -- Nina Gordon

yep. that was my year. helllllllllooooo 2007!

thanks again rob, for doing this. happy new year.

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