December 14, 2006

Best Music 2003 - Tiffany Hope

1. Lucinda Williams ­ World Without Tears
2. White Stripes ­ Elephant
3. Hot Club of Cowtown ­ Dev¹lish Mary
4. Handsome Boy Modeling School ­ So How¹s your girl
5. Lucinda Williams ­ Sweet Old World
6. Radiohead ­ Hail to the Thief
7. Magnetic Fields ­ 69 Love Songs
8. David Cross ­ Shut Up You Fucking Baby
9. Calexico ­ Feast of Wire
10. Calexico ­ Hot Rail
11. Steely Dan - A Decade of Steely Dan (this is actually Bill's but I've been listening to it on repeat for like, 3 solid weeks)
12. Joe Henry's "Tiny Voices"

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